eDiscovery Software | eDiscovery Collection Software | Pinpoint Labs

Our Solution


Corporate IT & Fortune 500

Corporate IT & Fortune 500

Corporate information technology professionals within many Fortune 500 companies trust Pinpoint Labs to provide cost-effective solutions with the ability collect several terabytes of relevant data in a defensible manner.

Diverse Environment Capabilities

The ability to perform keyword search and conduct targeted collections in diverse environments

Automated Job Tickets

Create automated job tickets for remote collections

All-Day Support Mon-Fri 8-5pm CST

By offering extensive expertise for all products and thorough software support, it allows all clients to feel at ease during the e-Discovery collections.

Incremental Collections

Easily go back to the same sources and only collect new data or data that has been modified from previous collections

All Needs Addressed in File Sharing

SafeCopy, Harvester, and SharePoint Collector address all needs including the ability to copy data from individual personal computers and file shares

Automated Job Tickets

Create automated job tickets for remote collections

Perform Targeted Collections

Perform targeted collections in regular and cloud environments.

All-Day Support Mon-Fri 8-5pm CST

By offering extensive expertise for all products and thorough software support, it allows all clients to feel at ease during the e-Discovery collections.

Quite often, defensible collections are handed off to a corporate IT professional who already has a full workload. This is where working with the Pinpoint Labs team really makes a difference. Our knowledgeable support staff and online training courses will allow those new to E-Discovery collections to quickly get up to speed. Our tools allow you to easily manage multiple custodian collections for legal holds.

Must-See Features

  • Remote (stealth) job launch
  • Ability to collect from a custodian system
  • Monitor interruptions from network shutdowns
  • Easily review exception logs and warnings

Featured Case Study

“Because of the size and nature of the company, any software tool can be afforded. However, a great emphasis on scalable responsibility, user-friendliness and time effciency make the software from Pinpoint Labs worth it.”

– Steve, Contract Employee with a Fortune 100 Manufacturing Firm

Must-See Features

  • Remote (stealth) job launch
  • Ability to collect from a custodian system
  • Monitor interruptions from network shutdowns
  • Easily review exception logs and warnings

Featured Case Study

“Because of the size and nature of the company, any software tool can be afforded. However, a great emphasis on scalable responsibility, user-friendliness and time effciency make the software from Pinpoint Labs worth it.”

– Steve, Contract Employee with a Fortune 100 Manufacturing Firm

Our Industry


Legal Departments

Law Firms and Legal Departments within Corporate and Governmental Litigation Environments Use Pinpoint Labs e-Discovery solutions for diverse purposes.

Corporate IT & Fortune 500

Corporate Information Technology (IT) Professionals and Fortune 500 Companies trust Pinpoint Labs to provide robust tools and quality assistance.

Computer Forensics

Computer Forensics and Ligation Support Professionals rely on Pinpoint Labs to provide them with tools capable of copying small and large data sets in a defensible manner.

Get in Touch with Us

Schedule a FREE demonstration or ask any question. We’d be happy to help.

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Let’s Connect at Legalweek!

March 24–27 | New York City

We’re showcasing CrossCopy Enterprise & CrossCopy Mobile—the future of cloud eDiscovery collections.

Book a meeting to see it in action!