eDiscovery Software | eDiscovery Collection Software | Pinpoint Labs


ESI Self Collection Drives and Kits

Electronically Stored Information (ESI) self-collection drives and kits have become popular in the last few years because they offer an affordable means of collecting electronic data for a legal matter without the need to hire an expensive forensic expert. This...

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What is a Hash Value?

A hash value results from a calculation (hash algorithm) that can be performed on a string of text, electronic file, or entire hard drive contents. The result is also called a checksum, hash code, or hashes. Hash values are used to identify and filter duplicate files...

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E-Discovery Collection

E-Discovery Collections also known as Electronic Evidence Discovery (EED) or Electronic Data Discovery (EDD) can include a review of all the data stored on employee desktop or laptop computers, company servers, camera cards, cell phones, smart phones, GPS devices,...

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How Much is a Petabyte, Exabyte, or Zettabyte?

As our electronically stored information (ESI) data universe continues to grow, we are hearing about increasing storage capacities. The size of a project in terabytes (TB - 1024 Gigabytes) comes up frequently and is often the amount of data that has to be collected,...

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Email Collection

Email Collection refers to the identification and isolation of electronic mail (email) messages that pertain to a specific legal matter in civil litigation cases. What gets collected What is actually being collected during email collections can be one of two things:...

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What is PST Regeneration?

PST Regeneration is used during electronic discovery processing or even during an ESI collection.  A Personal Folder File (PST) is a container file created by Microsoft Outlook which stores email messages and other data (i.e. contacts, calendar entries, tasks, to do...

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What is ESI (Electronically Stored Information)?

ESI (Electronically Stored Information) is the general term for all of the data stored on the hard drives, camera cards, cell phones, GPS devices, digital video recorders, digital answering systems, thumb drives, RAID arrays and any other form of electronic media...

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What is an Active File Collection?

Active File Collection refers to the collection of files that are active (not deleted) and pertain to a legal matter or legal hold. In most civil litigation cases, extensive forensic investigations that look at deleted files are unnecessary or too expensive. Thus,...

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ESI (Electronically Stored Information) Software Challenges

A couple weeks ago, I outlined what computer forensics and electronic discovery have in common and how they differ. I’d like to expand on this topic by identifying some common obstacles encountered when using popular computer forensic software for typical electronic...

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Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Collection Software

Each day, corporate IT managers, computer forensic examiners, and litigation support professionals are tasked with performing ESI collections for relevant files which reside in file shares, on client systems, and other popular data sources. The content may include...

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Let’s Connect at Legalweek!

March 24–27 | New York City

We’re showcasing CrossCopy Enterprise & CrossCopy Mobile—the future of cloud eDiscovery collections.

Book a meeting to see it in action!