eDiscovery Software | eDiscovery Collection Software | Pinpoint Labs

(Murray, Nebraska) MAY 20, 2015

Pinpoint Labs, an industry leader in providing defensible e-Discovery software to law firms, service bureaus, and corporate companies, announces the release of Harvester end- user and administrative online certification courses.

Harvester Portable and Harvester Server continue to provide corporate IT managers, forensic computer examiners and litigation support professionals with defensible E-Discovery collection software tools using the following features and capabilities: Keyword Search/Hit Viewer; DeNIST and Dedupe; ESI “easy” Vault – great for legal holds; Early Data Assessment (EDA) Reports; PST regeneration; Automated self-collection kits; Pre-configure collection job profiles; Run in “stealth” mode; and Search multiple timestamps.

Harvester Portable and Harvester Server clients now have the option to complete courses that cover the important features and functionality included in Harvester Portable and Server products. The lessons help prepare students to handle common collection and culling projects encountered in the field.

Certification course lessons cover topics from entry level end user training to advanced administrator topics for those responsible for setting up and configuring Harvester Server for remote job collections. The 3 courses include Harvester Certification Specialist (HCS), Harvester Certified Administrator (HCA), and Harvester Certified Server Administrator (HCSA).

The Harvester product line has been available for more than 6 years and evolved significantly as a result of client feedback and the experience of Pinpoint Labs forensic computer examiners. There are thousands of users that rely on Harvester to create automated self-collection kits, filter and regenerate Microsoft Outlook PST files, complete Enterprise-wide collections, and dozens of other E-Discovery tasks. The new certification courses insure that Harvester users will not only obtain a thorough understanding of the extensive feature set but will also stay up to date on the changes in new product updates.

“When creating the Harvester Certification courses our engineers went through several years of customer correspondence to help round out an exhaustive set of lessons that provide real world practical application. We are confident that even our most experienced users will discover features and functionality that they did not realize was available.” – Jon Rowe, President and Co-Founder of Pinpoint Labs

For more information about our Harvester Certification Courses or Harvester E-Discovery collection tools please visit the Pinpoint Labs Certification Page

About Pinpoint Labs:

Pinpoint Labs, founded by Jon Rowe and James Beasley, provides defensibility to Legal and Information Technology Professionals seeking to collect discoverable   information from laptops, desktops, file servers, SharePoint site, and Email sites.

Let’s Connect at Legalweek!

March 24–27 | New York City

We’re showcasing CrossCopy Enterprise & CrossCopy Mobile—the future of cloud eDiscovery collections.

Book a meeting to see it in action!