by admin-jon | Aug 28, 2008 | Blog, Tips & Tricks
The CCE (Certified Computer Examiner) is a certification obtained through ‘The International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners’ (ISFCE). I’ve noticed that many CCE training facilities are geared towards criminal investigations so they don’t necessarily address...
by admin-jon | Aug 27, 2008 | Blog, Computer Investigations
In my previous post, I identified several primary differences between computer forensic investigations and electronic discovery processing. Next, I’d like to identify some general case categories and tasks that involve a computer forensic investigator. Case...
by admin-jon | Aug 26, 2008 | Blog, Computer Investigations, Electronic Discovery
Electronic discovery and computer forensic investigations often go hand in hand. The challenge for many in the legal community is how to identify what ESI (Electronically Stored Information) requires more than typical electronic discovery processing. First, computer...
by admin-jon | Aug 25, 2008 | Blog, Data Recovery
There are three common scenarios in which you may want to recover deleted images: Images accessed from web sites Images downloaded by a user or obtained through file sharing applications Photos stored on a computer hard drive, camera or memory card During a computer...
by admin-jon | Aug 21, 2008 | Blog, Collection, Tips & Tricks
You have requested a hard drive clone or image and discover that the contents cannot be culled or reviewed. One reason may be hard drive encryption. Encryption involves ”scrambling” the contents of a file or hard drive so that they cannot be viewed without the...