eDiscovery Software | eDiscovery Collection Software | Pinpoint Labs

(Plattsmouth, Nebraska) September 17, 2019

Pinpoint Labs, forensic software and litigation support firm, announced the release of the latest update to its Harvester product family.

Standalone, portable “eDiscovery on a stick!” collection software that includes highly-optimized keyword searches, new job profiles, data assessment options, and custodian tracking.

With the release of Harvester Portable 6.0, keyword searching speeds on large datasets is even faster using an optimized discovery engine. The improved searching comes from a multi-threaded file enumeration process that can locate keyword-searchable files in a fraction of the time, saving considerable time on remote as well as network collections.

New project templates simplify training and job setup in Harvester Portable 6.0. For more than 10 years Harvester has been the go-to application for thousands of IT professionals that need defensible eDiscovery collections. The result of all the feedback is a feature-rich application and the new job templates minimize training by providing job profiles that only contain the options related to specific use cases. 

For example, if users only need to do a simple copy then only settings related to the copy process are displayed. Keyword searching is also frequently used by customers, so a common filter profile is available that only displays related options.

Harvester Portable 6.0 allows users to assign custodian ID to eDiscovery collection sources. When custodian IDs are applied to a source, all items collected for that source also contain the ID and they can be used to generate custodian level reports once all data is collected. When imported into Harvester Server Processing, custodian ID’s can be used for document identification and deduplication within each source.

A new interactive data assessment screen allows users to quickly snapshot remote systems and file shares, select file types, and categories that match their criteria and resume with a collection of the selected items. Harvester Portables’ fast enumeration has been clocked at upwards of 30+ Terabytes an hour. 

In keeping with best practices for preserving and collecting eDiscovery data, Pinpoint Labs designed Harvester Portable 6.0 to easily gather large file collections with minimal impact on client systems.  When the client project is finished, all the critical data is neatly organized and forensically sound.  It is also one of the most affordable solutions available to collect, cull and preserve eDiscovery data.

As Jon Rowe, President of Pinpoint Labs and a highly experienced computer forensic examiner noted,

Remote users often have too much data to consider uploading directly to the cloud, and there are security concerns among many of our clients who do not want to copy data directly to off-site locations. Harvester Portable 6.0 further improves on our ‘eDiscovery on a stick!’ and the perfect tool for on-prem eDiscovery collections.” – Jon Rowe, President and Co-Founder of Pinpoint Labs

For more information on how our Harvester Portable 6.0 software tool can simplify your eDiscovery collection and culling projects visit the Pinpoint Labs website at www.pinpointlabs.com.

About Pinpoint Labs:

Pinpoint Labs was founded by Jon Rowe and James Beasley, who are Computer Forensic Examiners, and software architects. Their experience includes over thirty years of litigation support and more than two decades in software development.

Let’s Connect at Legalweek!

March 24–27 | New York City

We’re showcasing CrossCopy Enterprise & CrossCopy Mobile—the future of cloud eDiscovery collections.

Book a meeting to see it in action!