I started this blog to help decrease the gap between computer forensics and litigation support. This gap has caused a considerable amount of confusion and frustration for many good-natured, hard- working legal and IT professionals.
Many of you probably realize that the ideas and disciplines of a computer forensic examiner don’t necessarily always translate into a simple, effective means of collecting, producing, and reviewing hundreds of gigs or even several terabytes of data. However, you also probably know that legal professionals need to coordinate with a client’s corporate IT staff to provide defensible processes and appropriate legal assistance
That’s why we are here. We plan to take forensically sound disciplines and apply them to what matters in our chaotic litigation support world. Identifying, preserving, and collecting the data our clients provide us is necessary for the best electronic discovery processing.
And that’s not all…computer forensic investigations are part of the discovery process as well. So, we will spend time here discussing useful tips and helpful tricks for recovering relevant data that isn’t usually available through normal electronic discovery processing methods. Let’s get started.