eDiscovery Software | eDiscovery Collection Software | Pinpoint Labs

“On a particular project, many people were involved, which created communication barriers. As the case progressed, the discovery goals periodically changed. However, Harvester was there with me every step of the way, making the challenging situation...

“Because of the size and nature of the company, any software tool can be afforded. However, a great emphasis on scalable responsibility, user-friendliness and time efficiency make the software from Pinpoint Labs worth it.”

“Because Pinpoint Labs provides excellent support and SharePoint Collector enables business growth, both clients and Information Technology Professionals enjoy the product. It’s a valuable product that Innovative Discovery will continue to use in the...

“Harvester is a robust tool that doesn’t go into flames. It handled the large data set with great ease and had fantastic filtering capabilities, which included extensive Wildcard, Proximity and Boolean Searches, date restrictions, denisting and deduping– dramatically...

“When I lost network connection, the tool automatically resumed from where it left off and seamlessly collected the large data set remotely, which is almost unheard of in the industry.”