eDiscovery Software | eDiscovery Collection Software | Pinpoint Labs

What does ‘CCE’ Mean?

The CCE (Certified Computer Examiner) is a certification obtained through ‘The International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners’ (ISFCE). I’ve noticed that many CCE training facilities are geared towards criminal investigations so they don’t necessarily address...

Recovering Deleted Images

There are three common scenarios in which you may want to recover deleted images: Images accessed from web sites Images downloaded by a user or obtained through file sharing applications Photos stored on a computer hard drive, camera or memory card During a computer...

Encrypted Hard Drive Dangers

You have requested a hard drive clone or image and discover that the contents cannot be culled or reviewed. One reason may be hard drive encryption. Encryption involves ”scrambling” the contents of a file or hard drive so that they cannot be viewed without the...

Let’s Connect at Legalweek!

March 24–27 | New York City

We’re showcasing CrossCopy Enterprise & CrossCopy Mobile—the future of cloud eDiscovery collections.

Book a meeting to see it in action!