by admin-jon | Feb 20, 2018
For IMAP connections, IMAP access and, where applicable, less secure application allowance will need to be enabled on the target account. Other features, such as two-factor authentication and text message validation, will need to be disabled. The options to enable or...
by admin-jon | Feb 20, 2018
In order to search a mail store for a specific kind of attachment (specific extension) you will need to use the dtSearch functions built into Harvester. For example, to search a PST for any .DOCX attachments you would use the following syntax: (Attachments includes...
by admin-jon | Feb 20, 2018
The order for email filtering is as follows: Email is found – Is it in one of the sources you picked in the email tab? Is it in one of the folders allowed by the email folder filters? Does the recipient list contain any of the domains/names you included in the...
by admin-jon | Feb 20, 2018
The order for file filtering is as follows: File is found – Is it one of the sources you identified? Is it allowed under the exclusion patterns (if any)? Does it meet the inclusion patterns (if any)? Does it meet the date range criteria (if any)? Does it match the...
by admin-jon | Feb 20, 2018
Harvester can only write the full data set to a single target per job, but when certain options are enabled – such as encrypted items going to special locations and collated PSTs going to a separate location – Harvester will write to more than one location at a...